"Dear Developer, The Web Isn't About You"

(finally got around to reading through this and it's fabulous)


Hooked up a washer & dryer tonight. Hoses, ducts, wiring, fun stuff. They haven't caught on fire / flooded the house yet. So, that's good.

A bit perturbed, though, since we paid someone to install them. Instead, we got a small refund and I learned about installing washers & dryers.

Oh and the dryer was missing a foot. Which I somehow managed to get replaced by the store before my social anxiety level rose above my eff-you-i-want-a-working-dryer level

@rtwx Yeah, the installer was kind of dodgy, probably for the best that I did my own thing

Also had a weird idea about using React as a progressive enhancement by limiting it to using portals to manage only a few select bits of an otherwise static or server-generated page. Someone has to have already played with that.

@tedmielczarek Yeah, it's just I hadn't done any of that before, on a night I had other things do to, expecting someone else was taking my money to do it. Ended up not too hard, but just a surprise. The heavy lifting was at least done though.

Oh, and also: We discovered that for some reason the last 4" of "dryer hose" connecting to the outside vent was made of packing tape shaped into a tube. :)
