Woo! After a few weeks away, I poked my head into my little Picodon project and got it sending follow requests. Maybe I'll put some more time into it this weekend

I'd kind of like an old HeathKit HERO 1 robot to play with. They seem kind of made of unobtainium though.

@babe@glitterkitten.co.uk fools, you're obviously a bunny bot

Five scam calls today. Why do I even have a telephone anymore?

That feeling when you look at what you've done and you're like "What have I done?"

So I took some NongShim instant ramen and sprinkled in some extra freeze dried veggies for lunch. I think I'm on to something good.

@hirnbrot@mstdn.io Haha, I remember that!

@hirnbrot@mstdn.io Not yet, that might be tomorrow's lunch :D

@hirnbrot@mstdn.io Oh, yeah, this is just lazy comfort food lunch on a chilly day.

@hirnbrot@mstdn.io No worries... I'm not much of a chef, only have maybe a half-dozen things I reliably make :) Though I did learn a few things when we subscribed to a meal kit service for awhile

@hirnbrot@mstdn.io Heh yeah, totally the ingredients-with-recipe things. Nice for trying new things. Bad for, well, every other reason

Also I am totally not a bit of a hobby chef :) More like I wish I did better but never put in the time

@hirnbrot@mstdn.io Part of our issue was that my wife & I both work too much and kind of wanted the shopping taken care of too.

But, you know, there are multiple problems there :)

Still, yeah, sometimes I kind of want to get back to trying new recipes and a recommendation thing would help. We've also thought about cooking classes but never quite made that happen

@hirnbrot@mstdn.io Yeah, we took one small intro-to-cooking class.

You probably already know these things, but we learned some dumb basic things we didn't know like how to properly chop an onion and dice veggies

@hirnbrot@mstdn.io Oh yeah, we had some of that in the class too... rudimentary mise en place, chop all the things, measure the spices, etc, and then turn on the burner.

Funny how those things are like forehead-slapping obvious and yet I used to run around like mad when I tried to cook

@hirnbrot@mstdn.io I used to be bad to the point that I wouldn't, like, you know, read the recipe totally through before cooking %-)

Twice this summer, my little backyard pond has been almost totally drained. We have pumps and spitters to circulate the water. I suspect animal mischief in the wee hours, pushing around the spitters so they shoot out into the yard.
