I think I've decided that Warframe is basically Thor: Ragnarok The MMOARPG

@swirlz I just have this on loop now


Really wish using the at-here and at-channel handles in Slack popped up a confirmation dialog saying something like "You are about to send notifications to 203 people. Are you sure?"

@zigg If it does, that that makes me even more annoyed that folks do it anyway :/ (I have never used it myself)

@rod Well, yeah, it's like the classic reply-all thing.

Except I have Slack notifications on because folks get a hold of me expecting immediacy, which is not as much a thing with email.

And there's always someone well-meaning and not at all appropriate to be annoyed at who does it. So then I decide whether to disable notifications for that channel, or if I'll miss something important if I do

AD&D benefits from work are far less exciting when I remember they're not for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Firing up the stream. Chiptunes & coding is the likely plan. Also messing around with a USB video capture thingy hooked up to a C64. Come say hi! twitch.tv/lmorchard
