Got tipsy, have started engaging on birdsite, may god have mercy on my soles
Got tipsy, have started engaging on birdsite, may god have mercy on my soles
Trying to remember a Bruce Sterling story: I want to say there was a woman who grew cancerously into a space station.
Every room in the station had a vagina.
Station policy was that any "genetic material submitted" became property of the station. I read that at like 12 years of age and it had an influence on my thinking.
@June A++++ would totally subscribe
@Jewbacchus That SΔMMUS shirt, tho. 👍
Maybe I should just host the Mother of all Demos on my Twitch channel on repeat until I get around to streaming again
put food in the cats' bowls, but none of them seem to have noticed. now they're pestering me to feed them.
@lamnatos Oh hey, I figured out it was Bruce Sterling's "Schismatrix" with the scene I was thinking of...
"Male ejaculations become the property of the recipient. This is an ancient feminine principle."