brief panic over our cats

One of our cats let out an unholy scream like I've never heard. I practically levitated through the house and up the stairs.

Best I can tell, the queen of the house was evil-eyeing some critter out the window. The kitten decided to poke at her and she turned on him.

A similar situation was the only time one of us humans got an urgent-care-worthy bite from any cat we've adopted.

So, kitten was lucky the queen only chased him around awhile before I broke it up.

@ExpiredPopsicle But what editor will you use to write your editor?

@danschnau I think some folks (maybe on the autism spectrum?) can be disturbed by unblinking eye contact, so staring straight into the camera can present an unsettling image.

So I slept through my alarm this morning. Rolled over to find this quiet scene of all three cats staring at me


Les Orchard