That Front Line Assembly and Jimmy Urine collab'd on a good cover of Rock Me Amadeus has kind of bruised my brain this morning.


Les Orchard

Been working on purging belongings. Trying hard on a few things such as:

1) a disassembled Ikea Jerker desk I had in my office for 8 years

2) a cheap, old, unused CRT TV inherited from my departed dad

3) 300+ CDs from high school & college reduced down to binder page sleeves and all digitized years ago (even the liner notes)

Like, rationally, I know these things are really only useful as like search keys into my memory, but they're hard to purge.

I'm also too lazy / busy to meticulously find new homes for these things - yet also too guilt ridden to just stick them at the curb. Yeah, I feel super weird getting rid of them even though I have to like dig through other old gadgets in the basement to even find something to play them these days Yeah, I go back & forth thinking about that.

We have a record player and a shelf or two of records. But mostly because - as precious as it sounds - we like the fiddly physicality of it and having the big pieces of album art.

I'm not nearly as fond of sticking a shiny little disc into a machine, but maybe someday there will be artisanal little players that show off the shiny and I'll be sad

@Nezchan Huh. Unexpected voice of reason, here

Hmm, I need a word for the anxiety I feel over times that, in future retrospect, will most likely have turned out okay but that I absolutely cannot let myself feel okay about while I'm in the middle of them.

@typingmonkey @csalzman This is actually not entirely unrelated to my current purging :)

And we've done that before too: We moved from MI to CA in 2006 and then back again in 2008, so that was some very significant purging in both directions. (I'm kind of surprised at what we *haven't* accumulated in 10 years heh)

@sivy FWIW, I haven't tried Go yet. But coming from node & Python, Rust felt pretty comfy. You will pinball between a lot of mostly helpful compile errors, but that kind of beats your brain into figuring it out I think
