You know what? Fuck the authors of smoke detector firmware who decided to make them go PEEP every 60 seconds on low battery
You know what? Fuck the authors of smoke detector firmware who decided to make them go PEEP every 60 seconds on low battery
@fluffy i mean sure its probably just a mess of garbage in there but i assume overpowered cheap microcontrollers are in everything these days
@fluffy yeah, you're probably totally right. (i think this thing is past its expiration date anyway)
@fluffy i pretty much assume if someday i replace it, the new one will have like a 64-bit arm chip and wifi and ddos facebook when I'm not paying attention
You know what would really freak me out, though? If our smoke detectors, like, made the INCEPTION horn sound when they were low on battery.
I mean like... BWROOOOOOMMMM
@sivy i did that once, back when the movie came out because I thought it would be funny. It was terrifying
Shiny laptop screen with my back to a window, wishing I had some sandpaper
@freakazoid @qdot @viciousviscosity FWIW, depends on the job. Most at Mozilla are remote work. I've been doing it for almost 11 years from the Detroit, MI area