What passes for excitement on a Thursday night

is it wrong that whenever i see a richard stallman reference i want to make a toejam joke? you can be honest with me, i'm still learning

like, i am but an egg here

(but he fuckin ate toejam man cmon)

i have also been into the whiskey tonight

@erinbee i'm sorry

@bartleby It's like Four Roses small batch and makes me happy

@bartleby despite the toejam, i am also copacetic with this notion

Eating bad things

@erinbee that's a yikes from me dawg. what even would an ed sheeran ketchup be

So, like, I have a PC with a GPU & CPU that are 3-5 years old. Should I even bother with the game Control?

Eating bad things, UK food is cancelled

@erinbee i don't like it he's staring into my soul and putting ketchup on it

@sungo Yeah, I've got an AMD RX 480, which plays most things fine these days. But I read that Control was a monster. I still kind of want to play it thought

I really am tempted to tipsy-buy this bALFomet t-shirt


I have also really been like "gimme that 90s cheesy occult shit" lately

@sungo Oh dang, you zeroed in on my wavelength with that

@pagrus i'm sorry

@pagrus This is a fair ask

@sungo my knee-jerk reaction to this is "come to butthead"

@onan this is rather amazing

@audiodude i ain't mad
