I'm tipsy. Here's a personal fun fact: "Long Knives Drawn" by Rainer Maria is one of my all-time favorite albums.

And in fact, "Long Knives" was kind of a personal anthem for my relationship with my wife before we got married. Mainly in the chorus:

"I liked it best how
We took the whole world on
Back to back
Long knives drawn"

There's some sadness to the song to work through. But, I hope everyone finds their person(s) to stand back to back with long knives drawn


RMS and the neuroatypical

@mwlucas I feel like there's a fork in the road for folks who don't grok social rules: 1) maybe they've got some value worth considering 2) I am above the rules & everyone who made them

IMO very rarely are folks in camp 2 actually right. Far too often they seem to be the folks who say shit like "if I may play devil's advocate for a moment, maybe sex with kids is okay..."

Not that folks in camp 1 blindly follow, but there is often insight from the studied consideration

@ella_kane@hackers.town For awhile now, I've been considering a tattoo something like "Move deliberately. Make & fix things."

In other news: More fine rain in Portland at the same time as sun. Double rainbow behind my house. I haven't survived a winter here yet, but I have to say this rain endears me to the place.

re: RMS and the neuroatypical

@mwlucas Yeah, I guess there are some camp 2 folks who are the asshole geniuses who seem to generate some valuable things at great expense.

But maybe the thing we're learning is that survivorship bias is keeping us from realizing that the valuable things are too expensive vs who it's hurting.

@j997922@mastodon.social that's so thoughtful

@benjancewicz Also me! Kind of magical when you manage to get one of those little critters to alight

@sungo Oh hey, that's a neat playlist

@sungo Oh, heh, I just found this one in search


So I upgraded my couch gaming PC after a bunch of years. AMD CPU & GPU, threw in what looked like some other fancy parts, kept some spare parts I had already. It seems pretty dang skookum so far.


@pagrus Well, I put it under a new couch, so that kind of counts

@typingmonkey I haven't benchmarked it or anything like that, but it does seem to make loading screens zip past.

(an earlier version of me would totally know the numbers but these days I'm just like - it goes fast, cool)

Hey, so, anyone want to work with me? We're hiring a senior software engineer on my team!


Our cat Catsby reciprocates my petting of his head by pawing at my head. It's the cutest thing ever

Once upon a time, like 19 years ago, I worked at a startup. It was a place very heavy in ~culture~ and "we're awesome" sentiments.

One day in a meeting with my manager, he asked me "What do you love about working here? What makes you kick the sheets off in the morning?"

This question has haunted me ever since. Nothing makes me kick the sheets off in the morning. Nothing.

(well nothing except maybe the faulty fire alarm that went off this past weekend)

@Surasanji Well, a cat often wakes me up, but usually there's snuggling and burrowing further into the sheets. Never any kicking of them off.

@sungo Hmm.... that will often see me roll reluctantly yet urgently out of bed. I wouldn't say there's sheet kicking though

@ianbicking@mastodon.technology Yeah, I just keep staying up later and later is the thing there I guess :)
