Because I'm an enormous dork, I just spent Friday night and most of today totally rewriting the static site generator for my long-neglected blog from scratch and tinkered with hooking it up to Github Actions for publishing on push.

Maybe I should actually, like, you know, write another blog post someday.

Also, I just realized that my working name for this new thing has been "Ready Blog Oven" - when what I really meant was "Easy-Blog Oven"

A neat thing is that this new code rebuilds a static site for my 1000+ blog posts in like 6 seconds. It looks like this in "staging" since I haven't yet fully committed to replacing my current "prod" build

Also, fun fact: My blog turned 18 this past Valentine's Day

Of course, I moved it to another domain, so this is probably where more stuff will show up in the future

Firing up the stream. I have had espresso. I hope to fix and not further break the joycons for my Nintendo Switch. Chiptunes. Cats maybe.

I am made unreasonably happy by this ATOMIC PURPLE left Joy-Con that not only works again but also stays attached to my Switch after replacing the plastic buckle lock with a metal upgrade.

Now I just have to do the right one...
