I should take my Apple IIe and monitor out to the backyard so I can do some distraction-free writing in AppleWorks
Hmm, another semi-weird idea: A telnet menu gateway for all my old computers.
Most of them have serial-to-telnet-via-wifi doodads now, but they're all slightly different and I have to try to remember all the places I like to "dial-in" via telnet with them.
So, what if I had one gateway system to telnet into with all of them and that gateway gives me an address book menu to all the usual places
Probably just a quick couple of hours worth of tinkering in node.js or something and have it running on a raspi on my network
So I did get a rough first version of this going in node.js last night. But now I'm thinking this would be a good excuse to refresh myself on Rust and start over