@goaty Oh you can totally replace it! It just takes... uh... a half dozen tools, cutting through the double-sided tape holding the phone together, hoping you don't break anything, and then hoping you tape it all back together right later. (yeah this sucks)

I kind of wish there were more space opera sim games that involved at least an abstract hint of more realistic orbital dynamics. Not Kerbal so much as "pick from these courses that aren't straight lines and fit in the maneuvering budget"

Maybe even sliders with a few precalculated quick choices. Like burn X fuel to rendezvous with target in Y seconds by applying this orbital change. Or burn more fuel to do it faster, but within limits because you don't want to break orbit or smash into the planet. Either way, no magical straight lines

You ever see somebody and say "jeepers that dude is meaty"

So meaty

@drwho Whoa, that hadn't occurred to me until you mentioned it!
