mh~, ADHD

Oh and while I'm spewing words from my tooter - here's a thing I've written a lot of journal entries about lately:

I'm very likely in Club ADHD (undiagnosed) and it's occurred to me that I've internalized a minimum bar for personal performance set by what happens when I hyperfocus.

Problem is, my hyperfocus is uncontrolled and extra-ordinary.

It seems to reliably kick in when I feel like I'm in a calamitous emergency, though!

So, either I induce a feeling like the sky is falling just to grade myself at a C - or I just feel I'm perpetually failing. And the latter often leads to the former!

Haha, nice job brain! 😅

re: mh~, ADHD

@y0x3y Heh, sorry bout that!

@randomgeek I see those and I'm sometimes like "hmm, I liked space trucking in EVE and Elite: Dangerous..."

@thegibson I have done that also in EVE Online!

@thegibson (but also also in E:D, and yeah it's something)

If you spotify, you might enjoy my playlist

Catsby has been in this box since breakfast. He brought the toy in himself, the ratty remains of a wand that used to have feathers

Cosmo and Cheddars are trading off finding sun spots

I just produced the typo "booplean" and now I wish that were the correct term

Watching my federated timeline and seeing weird domain names makes me happy

I mean, like,

This is the good internet

Also hey, anyone around these parts like Master Boot Record? New MP3 warez uploaded

@vortex_egg I keep kind of trying to join that cult and bouncing off via apathy & shiny-thing distraction

@vortex_egg TiddlyWiki has been my stickiest attempt so far, with a public rendering. Which I guess makes it not so great for personal private notes
