Trying out Lost Ark. Seems like a cross between Guild Wars 2 and Diablo. Also, all the NPCs moan & groan & sigh & go "ehhhhnh" with ludicrous frequency. And all the baddies snicker constantly - you really know when there are folks up to no good because they keep laughing evilly about it

So, in my weird pandemic brain, I have had some non-zero doubt that my new job is a fever dream and I quit my old one for no reason. Nothing hinky in particular, just never changed jobs remotely before and I have little optimism these days.

Well, they just sent me a laptop, so it's at least as official as that!

Also, I'd avoided Apple and OS X for about 7 years now, but the new place only does Mac. Still, I managed to wait out the Touch Bar and this thing is giving me happy design vibes from my old 12" PowerBook G4. Maybe I won't despise the keyboard?

@Greg if they're after me lucky charms-- er crypto & nfts-- they'll be disappointed

@thegibson @rafial yeah, i haven't started to the point of cashing a check yet. so strictly speaking I'm paid in macbook pro so far. If those keep coming instead of money, i may need to reevaluate things

So I've got this Cat Tarot deck that I haven't played with much yet. First card I draw has lilies on the back of a toilet. That's like near instant kidney failure for a cat. Now I'm wondering if that was intentional in the art? Guidebook seems oblivious to it

Like, I've had cats for my whole life and lilies don't mean freshness or innocence of youth to me. They mean panic and holy shit get those out of the house and scrub the area for the pollen

Otherwise it's a cute deck?

I do despise the camera notch in the screen, though. I will never not be salty at Apple for asserting that garbage on the industry, and even more salty at other manufacturers for adopting it too.

First thing that reminded me of it was maximizing an app to full screen and the menu bar just kind of blanked out because the app can't live in that notched space

Like, "oh you won't notice it" - oh i noticed that they took a chunk out of my expensive-ass screen and everything has to tiptoe around the flaw. I buy screen protectors to keep from marring the screen and they just did it out of the box

@mdhughes well, it's extra I can't use except for a menu bar that just disappears in full screen. That's irritating to me

@yojimbo heh, oh yeah, I'm so particular I have mech keyboards and a trackball

@yojimbo I've been partial to this L-Trac for a bunch of years now. Big billiards ball thing and built like a tank, easy to swap hands - which I've tried to do as a habit to reduce strain. But it's reminiscent of my centipede arcade cab :)

@yojimbo kind of all and any fingers. I use more of elbow and shoulder than individual fingers, which seems to have made some wrist pain happier

@yojimbo heh, yeah no, more that i keep my fingers neutral and relaxed and wrist straight, use more of the large muscles in my arm to move hand around on the ball.
