Preparing my new laptop for stickers by first putting down a layer of clear vinyl shelf liner
I need to unpack them yet, but I have 14 years worth of laptop sticker layers all peeled off intact from old machines
They get the laptop back clean, I keep the stickers
@RussSharek @thegibson I made a video about it on tiktok and it got like 260k likes, i was shocked! Been doing this for years & years
@jessica absolutely!
@mdhughes yeah, it's like $8 for a roll that lasted me 10 years! @RussSharek @thegibson share and enjoy!
@jessica this is also very accurate MOARRR
First day at new job for orientation and also first day of roofers beginning their job over my head. When it rains, it pours!
(oh dear god don't let it rain)
@RadicalEdward I have a portable monitor I use on the couch and it glitches every time I stand up. Think it has something to do with static electricity and the cable runs