@stux wow that's got quite a view hasn't it

Looks like a bunch of my toots this weekend were pictures of critters snoozing in the sun.

I also took a long bike ride and sat in the shade in my back yard. There, I tossed peanuts to jays and squirrels, drank a few beers, and wrote some fiction on my phone.

That was a pretty good weekend.

@mc This makes me want to move some writing to my own neglected gemini capsule! Need to sort out whatever's amiss with IPv6 on my own network, though, because I can only seem to get to yours via a gemini-to-web portal :/

@mc Hmm, I don't even get a successful DNS lookup, which might be the fault of the PiHole server I have setup

@mc Oh and my capsule is at gemini://aerostat.lmorchard.co and very unreliable like an old school bedroom dial-up BBS 😅

@lori Yeah, that's always confused me about Discord servers. Like, why does this server I joined just for this one TV show expect I'm going to roll up with a van and move in all my stuff to live there exclusively and not fully forget about it when the show's off the air
