Just posted a "finished" draft of the short story I started working on a couple of weeks ago. It's "finished" insofar as it has an ending and I wanted to stop fussing.

It's kind of about a virtual massage therapist and an AI who's training to terraform an asteroid.


@AndreShouldBeWriting I would like to get to that point with something at some point, though I think posting it to my blog kind of wrecks the first publishing rights. But, I think I'm at a point where I need feedback more than sales 😅

@AndreShouldBeWriting Oh nice! I'm like just barely starting to research this stuff and the first publishing rights thing was one of the first things I ran into.

Thinking after taking a couple of weeks to get that short story into some semblance of done, I'll go back to some daily flash fiction exercises for a bit just to keep the habit going.

Also working on trying to get smaller ideas together. Like many ADHD hyperfocus nerds, I'm prone to going off and spewing out like whole novels worth of worldbuilding but I don't have the chops yet to actually write the stories.

re: personal mottos; sunless sea minor spoiler

@zwol Was that the postal office quest chain? I loved that game

re: personal mottos; sunless sea minor spoiler

@zwol I'm not sure I ever quite won, but I do remember pouring like 40 hours during a holiday vacation into it. That was before the zubmariner expansion, so I keep meaning to give it another go
