Tinkering with a personal instance. Trying to decide a) if the domain name of "toot.lmorchard.com" still has the appropriate gravitas and b) if I trust my ability not to randomly delete postgres again - oh and c) it's running in my basement, so that's a bad idea.

@bitlevel@mastodon.social Nah, just Mastodon so far. But will mainly be using it to test things I'm hacking on

@pixel yeah, that’s where I’d use something like ngrok or a cheap vm from lowendbox.com/

@matthew_d_green @blogan I don’t think that’s what he’s proposing - serverless is still servers, just sliced differently. Something more actually distributed like bittorrent (or secure scuttlebutt) would be what I’d guess he means.

That said, activitypub in serverless functions is doable. I had a small handful of fediverse bots running on aws lambda a few years ago, might revive the project

@matthew_d_green yeah, but i mean it costs $18 because every computer on the network has to run the script, right? Less distributed more replicated

Why I own a station wagon

@tlhInganHom station wagons are so rad.

@ansate At over 40, I had very similar thoughts but for purple hair. Had that going for a year or two and it was rad

Mostly these days I look not-weird because I'm tired & anxious & generally avoid being perceived. But it's totally something I want to do again

Was going to go for a bike ride after breakfast but has delayed my plan for now

@ansate the pink looks great on you, btw!

Ran another import from Fedifinder and whew I think there's an order of magnitude increase on folks I follow who added a fediverse address to their bios. Like 100 to 1000

I should really review & prune my follows before they get out of hand (they probably have already gotten out of hand). But, I've always kind of been a hoarder of follows. Even in the blogosphere / RSS days, I had like a high water mark of 1500 feeds in my reader

So I managed to go for that bike ride today. 15 mile loop around a bit of the river. Very pleasant ride.

I was at about the half-way point when I realized I hadn't recharged my e-bike battery in awhile. It crapped out at about the 12 mile point - and the last 3 miles home are almost all uphill. Not very pleasant with a 60lb cargo bike.

Holy crap.

@Macross 👴 💀
