After tending to animals this morning, I have spent nearly the entire day playing Streets of Rogue. Finally I am feeling the Slothmas spirit.

Playing with some Mastodon bots tonight.

Anyone want to be complimented by @complimentron?

Anyone want to be insulted by @insultron?

Mention one of them for a reply!

This feels like one of those things I'll never actually "release", but this week's project so far has been this overwrought little Mastodon bot framework.

Next inadvisable thing I'm thinking of doing is building a little fediverse ring management bot on top of this.

Thinking it'll periodically toot out a random selection of profiles in a "follow friday" style

It may also handle adding new members to the ring by pushing a git commit to a Glitch project, which in turn triggers a static site rebuild

Also hopefully these two lil bots don't get too obnoxious.

Last time I tried this was on an AWS Lambda thing where one of them got into an infinite reply loop with someone else's bot and it cost me a whole $11 before I fixed it.

@breadbin @vkc Heya! Yeah, let me know if you want to join and I can manually paste your fediverse address into a CSV file. Very retro and manual

@phrawzty I was kind of bouncing off it until I played with the Mech Pilot character. With a few upgrades, he was demolishing building walls with a sledgehammer and just kind of walking through everything. Felt like a cheat

@breadbin @vkc Eh, no particular content-creator requirements to be a webring enthusiast!

These Anchovy updates are looking a bit repetitive, especially with the cold. We check on her every 5-6 hours with food. Many pets are given. Then she retreats back into the warm carrier and we go back in the house. Not a lot of wandering around in the cold shop

Forecast calls for things to warm above freezing tomorrow, so that’ll be a relief. Glad the power and heat have held up with all our ice-encased wires around town

And one last picture before I turn in. Camera's in an awkward spot now, since I wrapped the carrier in more layers. It's mostly there now so we can check from the couch whether she's napping (the carrier door is propped open, but just enough for her to get in and out through the insulation)

@zkat yeah, i wish we knew what her story was. She very clearly wants attention from us and isn’t at all feral. Hoping after another vet visit or so, we can give her a spot on our couch

@frankiesaxx oh she’s doing pretty good with warmth in there now. There’s a 300 watt heated mat in with her and it stays surprisingly toasty since I wrapped the carrier up with bubble wrap and blankets

Heard someone on an NPR podcast mention Barbara Streisand and the irony is the main thing I remember associated with her is the Streisand Effect

@laser Wild that someone thought it would be a good idea to wrap up gender reveal parties as a service. I thought we had enough wildfires and injuries from this stuff already, and now we've automated it?

@zrail 16-year-old me salutes you from his 4WD AMC Jeep Eagle station wagon driving out of the second ditch this winter

@mark The protocol can do a whole lot, but also an all-in-one implementation that fully exercises the protocol sounds like a usability mess to me. Also a lot to bite off and maintain versus some more focused services.

@mark Oh, I see, you mean more like a headless bit of infra? Still, a lot of server-side devil in the details for a lot of particular applications. (e.g. Mastodon's link preview card fetch is external to ActivityPub. Discovery & recommendations. Media processing & streaming, etc, etal)
