@bea :amigacheck: HIT ANY KEY |/-|/-|/-|/-|

agh, macOS Ventura changed my wallpaper on upgrade. Firefox did that too, a couple of upgrades ago. Stop setting my moving cheese on fire, design weirdos

selfie, ec

I wonder if I should take off my business work uniform now that I'm leaving the office for the day?

re: selfie, ec

Just behold my gravitas.

@alex What's going to be great is when the next round of AI scoops these images & captions up for training

Arriving today at my west-coast US TZ desk to 15 pings before 7am from east-coasters in Slack asking for attention but not offering detail


(I literally typed "Just arriving at my desk, what's the emergency?" as my first message in Slack today)

(and I kinda feel bad that I might have sounded snippy)

@caitmuenster Yeah, it's a frustration because it's an oft-repeated conversation (the asking for details, that is)

@rgegriff @aparrish What a bold change.

(I'll see myself out the airlock)

@aparrish Oh, huh, looks like this edit happened at least a few years ago in the before-git times for MDN 🙃


@aparrish Since I worked on MDN at one point, now I feel nerd-sniped. I think the history log has been lost to time, but seems to have been edited to say this back in late 2017 / early 2018



@gwachob @lucasgonze @cescquintero @anildash I still want to get a tattoo of some form like "RFC 1122 1.2.2"

@jalefkowit @aparrish I was at Mozilla and I even worked on MDN, but I was off that team when this was edited :blobsadleft:​

Looks like it happened in Jan 2018 though


@jalefkowit @aparrish Also, may have been a non-employee contributor, since MDN has had a small army of such wonderful folks
