@yosho Well, this is more like wearing a camera to a convention, but yeah glassholes were called glassholes for a reason

@ellie I don't know, but that would be pretty cool!

@tithonium Yeah, that's pretty much where I'm at... I'm not going die on that hill today, but I tend to think I should be able to retain things I saw. I know there are situations like camera-in-a-theater and expiring-library-ebook, but those aren't quite the same as conversation-in-a-hallway

Got "I Fuck Around" by the Melvins absolutely stuck in my head all day today


That thing when you leave a zoom meeting and everyone's like "yep yep, i know what to do next and i'll get you that thing you need" and then 20 minutes later everyone's like "wait wait, you want what now?"

Sometimes I'm super baffled that a lot of folks are like "hurr email is too new for me" when it's over 50 years old as a concept and I've had an inbox for about 30 of those years.
