Seeing this news again of Mozilla & Google eyeing up iOS for non-webkit browsers and I wonder if it'll ever happen after all these years

Like, I had to quadruple-check the date of the article to be sure it wasn't ancient I remember seeing it running on iOS hardware years & years ago.

Thinking the real problem is all the years not spent making it just-so on an iPhone and all the passive aggression / malicious compliance Apple would probably throw in the way if the webkit-only rule finally fell

There are times when I ponder what it would take to OCR the last 10 years of my handwritten journals and feed them to an AI so it can mope at me insufferably

@darius what's this red dot hovering over one of my Special Interests πŸ€” (it's almost like I'm in danger of being nerd sniped)

Anyway, back in 1993 when I still used dialup to a mainframe back in college, I downloaded all my Commodore Amiga software via Kermit for awhile

@thomasfuchs I have no idea what I'm talking about re: art, but that looks like injection-molded Factory Pomo

@thomasfuchs Like, gimme that design in translucent atomic purple and I'll need a fainting couch

@danhon ohno :oh_no:​

The girl went out and fetched us some provisions, which included a jar of Vegemite for me as a treat. Almost forgot how much I dig that stuff on a slice of buttered toast.

@mendel just not after midnight

@zkat "oh wait, you didn't know about... oh yeah how could you have known about... sigh"

@Macross get in the doctor robot and save with prime

@rgegriff because some people want to write their name ON THE MOON WITH A LASER

@j :laser:​ :amaze:​ :hacker_l:​ :hacker_a: :hacker_s: :hacker_e: :hacker_r:


Because I am a masochist, I tuned into the State of the Union

Kevin McCarthy looks like me when I've seriously underestimated an edible

@driscoll I spy an Enigma 1/2 board!

@driscoll I’m cheating because i happened to have just installed in on a machine here at home this weekend :D

@codl captain it’s wednesday

Cosmo (pictured) and Catsby (hiding) are at the vet today for checkups. A little rough going back after this weekend, but these guys are doing okay

The boy cats are back home with clean bills of health. Catsby could use a dental appointment, but then so could I

@thegibson @murph @Rob_T_Firefly @rysiek On the bright side, it's kind of an ad-hoc whitelist of mastodon-dot-social folks? πŸ™ƒ πŸ‘οΈ

@jpf πŸ€” this is a promising idea

Apparently Cosmo was overjoyed to meet everyone at the vet's and wander around to get into everything. Catsby, by contrast, burrowed under the towel in his carrier and hid.

@andybaio I kind of want to build an activitypub-federated version of pinboard / delicious that accepts links to build curated lists of pages to index.

Ideally search quality could be personally tuned because a) folks would intentionally share bookmark posts and b) you could constrain your searches to folks you intentionally follow.

(I don't think this is a genius original idea, but seems like it could have some neat characteristics if it took off)

@cypnk oof, before I even read the toot, I reached up to swipe that off the screen πŸ˜“

@emmah That said, I do think that folks making magic incantations at AIs to make them do things unanticipated by their owners will be an interesting skill. (because their owners are dumb and give the AIs too many privileges, not unlike ye olde command lines just weirder)

A thing I heard on a podcast last month: This guy unplugged his land line answering machine because he was afraid folks could call it and use it to talk to his smart speaker to unlock the front door.

And, like, I want to write a whole story fill with dumb shit like this. Like it's kind of a legit fear? But based on a set of dumbness all piled atop each other

@pixel Right? Like what venn diagram of a threat model accounts for landline-answering-machine plus voice-activated-assistant plus frontdoor-smartlock?

Although I've also heard a case of someone just shouting real loud at the window of a house, thereby activating a voice assistant inside. Probably apocryphal, but πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

On the other hand, free startup idea: Screen your incoming land line calls with an answering machine that talks to a voice assistant that texts you transcripts of your calls. And also unlocks the front door when asked

Just Rube Goldberg turtles, all the way down

A thing I love on computers are notifications that pop in and I only notice because they have a sliding motion when they self-dismiss. But I don't notice them well enough to have actually seen what it was about.

I'm left with just a vague foreboding sense of having been stalked by something and I missed it

Back on my BBS bullshit

Not much going on there yet, puttering with an ANSI editor last night and considering starting to install some DOS DOOR games

(it's better than continuing to screw around with fediverse search or other troublesome things)

I had, briefly, forwarded port 23 (telnet) on to the BBS instance. This, however, seems to be stalked by rabid bots as immediately the thing got DoS'ed (not DOS'd) by random connections.

Port 6523 seems obscure enough for now, and the web terminal client actually works.

@sparkfish 😁 Yeah, I've owned for a bit over 20 years now.

@craigmaloney has had for about that long also IIRC

I'm almost kind of surprised no one's built up like a Docker image with 100s of old DOS DOOR games pre-installed. They're a pain in the butt to get going sometimes.

Also, last time I did this was on a Raspberry Pi and I got myself involved in some ludicrous QEMU shenanigans to get old 8086 DOS programs successfully running as usable DOORs for the BBS running on ARM CPU.

It worked and was an extremely stupid trick. Was one of those annoying ADHD hyperfocus things that I bashed away at until it worked, then left neglected on a shelf for years

Oh and also? Impressive to probably no one but myself, I got the QEMU instances to share a network drive so some of the multiplayer DOS DOORs could cooperate. I got it working and now I don't even remember how

@Macross Muffinterm is pretty nice!

@skippy That's a BBS running in my basement at 😁

Not much customization besides that one menu, though. I might keep tinkering with it or forget it entirely in a day or two, who knows?
