@mhoye@mastodon.social Horizon Zero Dorn

@TheDarkHorse Just happened to already have that downloaded to my phone 😅

@bnys oh that is a neato lookin lil gadget

@amy woo! super congrats!

Gonna go play me some of that game with the magic school students

(Ikenfell, to be clear. It's a neato game)


@ActionRetro That's a tasty beer too

Watching Farscape on Plex, the looney tunes episode "Revenging Angel".

It occurs to me that the one thing this show's missing during it's run is, like, a musical episode

@LambdaCalculus @Macross @alx There's also fun stuff in terminals like sixels. Too bad we didn't get support for those back on 90s era BBSes & terminals


@Macross @LambdaCalculus @alx I've got a whole 16 multiuser nodes configured over on bbs.decafbad.com
