I wasn’t expecting a Salt Bae reference in Persona 5 Royal. Also wheezed a bit when Yusuke (voiced by Matt Mercer of Critical Role) said β€œhow do you want to do this” in combat

@SpicyNugget y'know, it was actually a not-bad mix of bitter & sweet! (because I actually did and up trying it πŸ˜… )

@danhon We're redoing most of our kitchen after finding a water issue in a wall, and had similar annoyances.

Like, on one hand I fully understand what a wifi-connected kitchen faucet does, while on the other hand I absolutely do not

re: Alcohol; black light arcade carpet

I will admit that getting the ambiance initialized in the basement arcade is the one time in years I've thought "a smart home rig would help here"

It takes turning off some lights, turning on others, turning on an entertainment system, plugging in a few arcade machines, and finally selecting music. It takes me a whole five minutes that I could spend playing Ms. Pac Man.

Would be nice to walk down there and just announce "it is arcade time" and have all the things happen. But also I shudder to contemplate all the infrastructure and maintenance to accomplish that

Like, the hobby is the vibe & the games, not the automation (at least, at the moment)

@jrandomhacker YELLOW RED GREEN for enhanced irritation

re: Alcohol; black light arcade carpet

@mendel Yeah, but then I think of all those little gadgets and firmware updates and fussing with wifi and yadda yadda. Also have a few hard-wired LED light boxes that are neither bulb nor plug, along with the 80s arcade machines that I'm nervous to leave plugged in. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ I'm kind of inventing difficulty levels here heh

re: Alcohol; black light arcade carpet

@mendel My wife tracked that down! We lucked into a place that was clearing out remnants and they happened to have a roll of it that was perfect for the space

Food; nutella vs vegemite

Having heard about my earlier shenanigans, my wife presented me with a snack (she made one for herself too)

Food; nutella vs vegemite

I folded it in half and ate it. I found it delightful, for whatever that tells you about me

re: ph, cancer, recruiters

@craigmaloney That's both awful and great? My condolences and also congratulations? There must be a german word for this sentiment

@benbrown Once upon a time, at a Yahoo! company party many years ago, I met David Filo and asked him if he was pmarca. I was a few drinks in from the open bar. I feel debilitating cringe from that memory every 4am or so.

Did you know? You can go for a 3 mile walk and listen to an entire album of music, including bonus tracks, rather than listen to podcasts on current news & events? And, actually, maybe it's healthier (or, at least, more tranquil) not to know what's going on for that brief span out in the fresh air?

It's news to me

@mdhughes Apropos of that, I started my walk listening to Retro Computing Roundtable but then had a sudden urge to switch over to 90125 by Yes and had a pleasant time

@sungo What? No way. I wonder what would happen if I tried it?

@eviloatmeal I've only ever done this at like 15-20 miles at a time, but I always end up back at home

@danhon Move slow and fix things

tiktok; moar chatgpt thoughts

There's a recurring meme on tiktok where someone presents the tale of some dude (almost always a dude) who pearl-clutchingly complains that tiktok is nothing but underage dancing girls and thirst traps.

The punch line is that tiktok's algorithm is renowned for showing you more of what you like per the signals you've offered.

All these Serious Journalist accounts of Bing & ChatGPT yielding weird & creepy results has me wondering just how weird & creepy they are themselves

re: Food; nutella vs vegemite

@e_er1n :blobyes:​ indeed!

@danhon I have a half-written short story with this notion, except as an eerily effective virtual speed-dating app

re: tiktok; moar chatgpt thoughts

@donncha Yeah, that too... like when I hear a journalist say he prompted Bing to delve into notions of Jungian shadow theory, I have to think you're digging for strange. That, or Persona 5 strategy guides

re: tiktok; moar chatgpt thoughts

@maddiefuzz Heh, yeah, that!

FWIW, my feed is like cats, crows, raccoons, computers, D&D, adhd. Occasionally a thirst trap in the form of somebody splitting logs with a sword

re: tiktok

@maya Yeah, that's true. Like, mostly, Tiktok has been pretty successful at entertaining me. But I wouldn't think of it as a trusted source of anything besides a giggle

re: tiktok; moar chatgpt thoughts

Oh hey, @dansinker wrote a whole essay about this and it's way better than my toot


@simon @dansinker It's like that problematic episode of ST:TNG "The Perfect Mate", where there's an empathic woman trained to morph herself into the perfect mate for the person on whom she imprints en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Perf
