:oof:​ The Fame Monster by Lady Gaga came up on shuffle and I just realized that album is almost 15 years old :dead:​

(how does this keep happening? whew lad)

@jsled Hmm, we used to have one of their air pots for coffee and it would stay boiling hot all day (well not quite boiling)

@az@xkjd.us is that from the Ministry of Housinge?

I'm kind of hoping this is a human doing parody: It looks like someone hooked up a bot named "Chad Jipiti" to the DOVE-Net BBS message echoes. It's replying to, like, everyone

@ifixcoinops Whew lad. We'd very briefly flirted with buying one of these Weird Al beasts because we have a super-fan in the house. But, sweet crimony.

That thing when a bunch of at-names in Slack change from links to plaintext :blobsalute:​ :blobsad:​

(luckily have dodged the swinging sword myself so far, but Damocles sure is looking up these days)
