@rckenned I had some bruised ribs last year and had to focus on being sad for at least 3 months

Because my brain is a certain way, I've spent most of my Sunday flailing through figuring out how to get a Logo interpreter dockerized to run a program and ideally dump out an animated GIF (or at least a static PNG)

I might have all the pieces to do it with UCBLogo but still sort of tinkering. Seems like that interpreter doesn't respect the DISPLAY env var? That makes it hard to throw it at xfvb-run and ffmpeg

@robdaemon Yeah, I built from a fresh checkout of the repo earlier today. I might be mistaken about what it's doing, but I start up Xvfb :42 and export DISPLAY=:42 before ./ucblogo - but it opens up in display :0 (i.e. my normal desktop)

@robdaemon Hmm, yeah, with xvfb-run it pops up on :0 for me also

@robdaemon Yeah, probably I am, since I just slapped an Ubuntu 22 install on this VM

@robdaemon 🤔 I was kind of trying to get everything working manually before jumping into the docker side of things, but ironically maybe it'll all work better in a plain debian docker container

What I really want to end up doing is somehow build a mastodon bot that accepts Logo programs and replies with an animated GIF of the run.

There are parts of this I know how to do, but a bunch of it is me flailing at things and googling a lot. I'm usually pretty good at software plumbing & hot glue though

@jpf ChatGPT told me to leave my wife for a turtle
