@brianstorms@mastodon.social I mean, funny enough, I expect the same thing of drivers. I only had to get cut off once in the bike lane and fly over the handlebars to never again trust anyone (not even myself) behind the wheel of a car

@timbray Two situations I love:

1) When a driver in one of two lanes stops, but the other lane keeps speeding by, and then that driver honks at me

2) When a driver insists I go, then turns behind after me and impatiently tries to plaster me against parked cars

"Touring a Startup Fiber Optic ISP ! GoNetSpeed in Connecticut"

Wow. I had a rudimentary understanding of fiber optic networking. But, I didn't quite grasp how much is just thin strands of glass unspooled over long distances carrying colored light.

Like, just a dumb optical path with my particular color from my house, all the way to the point-of-presence.


Kinda neat that the Docker SDK for Python makes running a container about as easy as running a process.

Gotta go to bed, but getting quite a bit closer to hot-gluing a Logo bot together


Physical instantiation as unreliable meat is weird.

Some days, I put in my contact lenses and I can see perfectly. Some days, I put them in and one eye is off calibration, and I'm not sure whether it's my eye or the contact lens.

Also sometimes the neck doesn't turn properly. Also sometimes the sensitivity levels need more attenuation than on other days.

That said, meat is the only game in town so far. So, nice going meat, thanks for waking up again today.

@craigmaloney "Sometimes we need to give ourselves some space to just be." That's so hard. Even if you don't have, say, an elevated awareness of existential concerns. I hope you can enjoy the interim

@Macross we need to get you strapped into George McFly’s ortho-lev


Someone shared this "rare aesthetic: adhdcore" in a work Slack and I feel so precisely-targeted that the CIA or Mark Zuckerberg must have been involved.


Got some current sensors and they're kind of packaged like candy and I kind of want to eat them?

@awooo Yeah, I haven't actually gotten any diagnosis or treatment myself. Though, also, following through on doing so is rather antagonistic to enjoying ADHD in the first place, so... :blobupsidedown:​

@astrid I have a very vibrant memory of happily IRC'ing from a rig almost just like this, once upon a time

Catsby got a new box today

I wish I could be as generally pleased with anything as Catsby is with a good cardboard box

Previously in Catsby's box adventures

