repeat 1000 [setpencolor (random 1 15) fd 10 rt random 360 wait 1]
wait 120
repeat 1000 [setpencolor (random 1 15) fd 10 rt random 360 wait 1]
wait 120
repeat 1000 [
setpencolor (random 1 15)
make "r random 3
if :r = 0 [ fd 20 ]
if :r = 1 [ rt 90 fd 20 ]
if :r = 2 [ lt 90 fd 20 ]
wait 1
wait 120
@giflian :blobwhee:
Well, @logotron is alive - sorta! Still pretty buggy and probably going to fall over as soon as I go to bed in about 10 minutes.
But, aiming to clean it up a bit further this weekend and think about composing a blog post about it
@millihertz Yeah, it pretty stupidly just runs whatever gets sent its way 😅
to stripe
pd rt 90 fd 200 rt 90 fd 1 rt 90 fd 200 lt 90 pu fd 1 lt 180 wait 1
setxy -100 100
setpencolor 3 repeat 10 [ stripe ]
setpencolor 12 repeat 10 [ stripe ]
setpencolor 7 repeat 10 [ stripe ]
setpencolor 12 repeat 10 [ stripe ]
setpencolor 3 repeat 10 [ stripe ]
wait 120
Alright, off to bed. More time to play with Logo tomorrow.