This song "Perpetual" had me all weepy at a VNV Nation show, I'm not ashamed to admit.

What did me in was the 10 minute long repeat of "Let there be, let there always be. Never ending light."


Les Orchard
(unknown activity type Create)

@Macross Yeah that really should have been multiple choice

@bunnyhero @ivory oof, yeah, links opening in apps is one of those things I really really dislike about iOS

@maddiefuzz it could notionally be a low-pressure gas cylinder or an art piece on hydration neglected

@maddiefuzz Well, I have a separate bottle for that and I definitely filled and drank that

Schrödinger's Hydroflask

@mos_8502 I think @pluralistic was just talking about this sort of thing as a possibility last night at Powell's in PDX. Oops heh
