@maddiefuzz @SocialGaff @siege The better living through chemistry we were promised, along with the jet packs before the cyberpunk dystopia
@maddiefuzz @SocialGaff @siege The better living through chemistry we were promised, along with the jet packs before the cyberpunk dystopia
@thegibson hey, hey, hey now now
@socketwench That's my favorite thing about SASS
“I’m gonna sleep in!”
(turns off alarm)
… time passes …
(wide awake 2 minutes before alarm time)
You can tell there are too many meetings when the guy who just lives to fire off a meeting invite at the drop of a hat starts a meeting by saying “okay let’s keep this short to value everyone’s time” for the first time ever
Oh, OH, and then he says, this guy he says, “it’s expensive having all of us together at the same time” and I’m like what in the freaky friday body swap bullshit is this?
@IamMrsGeek @randomgeek I mean, sometimes you have to make your needs known
@lmorchard@gts.decafbad.com Ahoy ahoy, I read you
So, hey, I just saw this Ruby on Rails engineer position open up at Mozilla and it smells a lot like Mastodon dev work
(edit: I'm probably wrong, since I missed the mention of Fakespot, but still it smells a certain way to me)
@ryanrandall 🐘 💨
The new tiktok teen* challenge for summer 2023: use relative times (e.g. in 2 hours) when scheduling an impromptu meeting across time zones rather than an absolute time in your time zone (e.g. 5PM)
Like "let's talk at 3:30", to me, means "I have time to go grab lunch" while to you it means "I am joining a Zoom room in 3 minutes and will be waiting for you"
@lordbowlich I prefer Swatch Internet Time, myself
@judell I haven't been paying attention to wildebeest personally.
But, I do have instances of mastodon, calckey, and gotosocial running on one of my basement servers - kind of for interoperability testing with other tinkerings.
@suetanvil That's a nice hunk of music right there
@mconnor 👍 yeah, my "rails? at mozilla?" spidey sense had a false positive 😅
@mconnor Yeah, I guess that whole ruby on rails stack with sidekiq and postgresql might have some legs 😁
@danhon just give me longer, slower ads with unskippable surveys
@danhon he should try unplugging a few more servers to free up the tubes
@cmdr_nova come baaaaack, come baaaaaaaaack!
@shaen Why, you got the Colonel's list of 11 Herbs & Spices? Or maybe the recipe for Big Mac sauce?
Preparation Instructions:
In a secure location, combine the
Feel like I need to take this toot to a SCIF!