You know those videos where a cat comes home with something weird and the humanā€™s like ā€œwhere did you get that?!ā€

Well I woke up this morning with ā€œSIMPLY HAVING A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS TIMEā€ stuck in my brain and I was like ā€œwhere did you get that?!ā€

Legend of Zelda: ToTK

Got to the Wind Temple last night. Felt kind of bad, because there was this whole intricate trampoline jumping puzzle to get up into the sky.

But, I'm not all that fond of jumping puzzles. So, I just built a hover platform and floated up while having a snack

@tchambers FWIW, it seems rather feasible to play with personal feed algorithms against the streaming API of a Mastodon instance.

That'll repeatedly bash into the "don't index what I toot" sentiment, though.

@mike @tchambers Even in the client, folks still object to indexing & processing of posts without explicit consent.

Personally, Iā€™m coming to an opinion that if you stick a message in a bottle and toss it into a sea designed to replicate bottled messages, youā€™ve consented to what folks do with bottles that wash up on their shore. But, there is angry disagreement with this notion.

@tchambers @mike The folks who are angry about this reject opt-out as a concept entirely

re: Legend of Zelda: ToTK

@lordbowlich yeah, sometimes Iā€™m like, okay Iā€™ll go through the puzzle, because I like it. Other times Iā€™m like hover bike go brrrr

@bomkatt @mike @tchambers FWIW, my own objectives in mind are personal. That is, I want to tame the firehose a bit for myself and see & find things sent my way.

Iā€™m uninterested in republishing things outside boosts or letting other folks use my personal feed or search an index of what landed in my client.

Personality I think that should be okay, but there is loud disagreement. Which, fine, but also I wouldnā€™t want to bring a fight to my instanceā€™s door over it

@bomkatt @mike @tchambers

Yeah, last thing I want to do is ā€œmake moneyā€ from something like this in a big tech sense - except maybe conceivably if I could make a decent livelihood for my family building personal-scale tools. But Iā€™m nowhere near that either heh
