@rasterweb About half the houses I grew up in and relative's houses had basement pencil sharpeners!

I forget where I found this, but it was on my watch later list forever. Like a commodork, I finally got around to watching it yesterday while tinkering. Surprisingly in-depth on the C64 from Jim Butterfield


A thing I don't really understand: Why anyone would put in so much unpaid volunteer effort for someone else's commercial enterprise like Reddit?


Like, knowing how much some folks do voluntarily for Reddit... at some point, it's got to be easier to just set up a standalone bulletin board somewhere and do your own thing.

Speaking of Douglas Engelbart, enjoy this small C64 demo


@bri_seven This isn't so much a situation of a house but an airport. Not a place where things are kept, but a place where things are sent elsewhere.

(bad metaphor since airports don't clone passengers and send them to as many places as possible)

@bri_seven And I'm just saying that this whole thing is designed in a certain way, and you should know what it tends to do.

When you send a message here, it goes lots of places. Possibly more than you'd expect. That's what it's designed to do. If you want it to do something else, design & build it differently

@bri_seven Like, community behavior notwithstanding, the software behavior does what it does the way it was built

@Macross @nitride heh, yeah, decafbad.com is one of my all-time favorite impulse purchases of a domain name 😁

@cwood i guess in this case, the bar is a skyscraper-sized aggregation of bars designed to specifically exploit that inclination folks have. At least a smaller venue might have less of a propensity to view the unpaid labor like batteries in the matrix

@doot@glitterkitten.co.uk where do you find the moxie to be so brave?
