@kevin @europlus I tend to keep a laptop for 2-5 years if it's work-issued, personal laptops stick around indefinitely. Been doing this shelf liner thing for a bit over 15 years and haven't had any of them go yellow

@alwynispat Yeah, maybe a little? I wouldn't count it as a case though

@requiem I recently did this with an ESP8266 and a reed switch, to get my old-style doorbell to make my phone go "ding" via ESPHome and Home Assistant

@requiem Heh, yeah, getting to a more full-featured camera thingy is next-ish on my list. Turnkey stuff there does seem troublesome, it almost all seems to phone home to someone whether foreign or domestic

re: 😏

@socketwench @vertigo Yeah, I've heard those folks can be high in mercury from all the exotic fish
