Playing a bunch of tunes from my NAS, I landed on Missing Persons.

I forgot that I just really fuckin love Missing Persons.

@maddiefuzz @liz @rc2014 ohh yeah, i got one of those in need of assembly too! Just haven’t had time in recent weeks. Looks super fun

@kentbrew Yup, Synology NAS.

Also running Plex, PlexAmp is a pretty nice music-centric frontend alternative to the Plex app. I've got a bunch of music on there ripped from my old CDs and from bandcamp and elsewhere


@benbrown you gotta make the elk sounds now

I know a project of mine starts to get serious when it goes from running in a tmux session to running in a Docker container

Hmm, I wonder if anyone's built a one-stop tool or library for publishing static web sites to various hosts?

Like, not a site generator, but something where you point at a directory of files and say "put this on the web at {host config}" - and the host config supports a range of things like github pages, AWS S3, cloudflare, netlify, etal

What I really want is for this to be just an API built into a web browser. So I could connect the browser to a static web host - and then a single page web app could request to push stuff there with a navigator.* (or whatever) JS API for publishing.

The browser could abstract the differences between hosting providers and mediate access permission from the user. (Probably doable in a browser extension too)

Heh: rummaging through my linked-in settings, I just realized I still have a link to FriendFeed as one of my personal sites on there. That hasn't been relevant for like 8 years now

Hmm πŸ€” I knew that I could sign git commits with gpg. But, I didn't know I could sign using my SSH key

@ramsey Well, it seems convenient for a small project? If you can sign using the same ssh key with which you're allowed to push, that seems pretty decent for that project. I might be missing something though

So, when I was 10 or so, I wrote a BASIC program on a C64 to generate pronounceable nonsense strings as BBS passwords. Just consonant-vowel, repeat. It wasn't the most robust thing.

But, for some reason, the string "WUWUNUPU" cracked my shit up, back then

I just remembered it now and cracked up again. I still have no idea why.

Just woo-woo-noo-poo, man. Woo-woo-noo-poo

@danhon πŸ€” it's not but maybe it should be!

"Language Is a Poor Heuristic For Intelligence"

...I predict the broader public will be forced to decouple language fluency from intelligence assessment, at least when it comes to overestimating chatbots and other algorithmic software … if only because the messy, embarrassing failures will proliferate until most of us learn to stop equating the two.
