I could see this sort of meta-client being frowned upon as a way for bad actors to more conveniently ban-evade, though, if only because it would make hopping instances seamless if it worked 🤔

@ted 👋 oh hi there :)

@bob Oh yeah, totally had bitlbee running on a home server for a few years!

@jessamyn @clive That's obviously a deluxe version of one of Buffy's slayer stakes

@gogobonobo Yeah, I guess I'm thinking of it as a server-side middleware thing so it would work with many frontend clients. But this could also be the realm of just a smarter client

@Macross @maddiefuzz All I really know about CP/M is that I heard it runs zork and wordperfect

@socketwench I was so mad as a kid that Earth Star Voyager never made it into a full show

@JoYo Yeah, but then I'd have to use that specific client. This would be middleware that works with any mastodon client

@jonn_blanchard hey if it gets you past the black ice in the mainframe, that's a good battle station

@countcol is it a beet?

The have taken over my wife's office

re: Star Trek, STNW, Musical Episode

@craigmaloney For some reason, I"m an absolute sucker for a nerd show with a musical episode. It is very cringey and for some reason I love that

Playing around with a trial of Wasabi cloud stuff for an off-site backup of my NAS.

My first impulse was to pick a data center near me, because it would probably be fast. But then I was like naw man, if I'm going off-site, let's go way off-site - and picked a data center on the other side of the planet.

Really, we should be putting backup data centers on the moon

If you need to restore from a moon data center, just have them fire a hard drive at your terrestrial location with a cannon

Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes fired toward your location from the moon.
