Fell down the rabbit hole with Baldur's Gate 3 this weekend. Thought maybe I wouldn't really latch onto it because I'm like 70% a sci-fi fan and only 30% a fantasy fan.

But, the game's starts off with an alien abduction plot involving tentacle-mouthed mind flayers in a dimension-hopping geiger-esque nautilus ship and brain worms that burrow into eye sockets. (KHAAAHNNN!)

My main character can turn into a bear and talk to animals. I can push baddies off cliffs and throw salami at them.

So, I think they managed to triangulate a bunch of my special interests rather well.

But seriously, I think my enby druid in BG3 has had more conversations with critters than people. It's just like how I act at parties.

Today's particular annoyance with window management in macOS:

I have a full screen browser window. Whenever my mouse pointer strays just above the tabs (i.e. into the menu bar), macOS lucy's the football and slides the tabs out from under my pointer to reveal useless window controls.

And then, when I move the mouse to chase the tabs they just rug-pulled on me, they slide back up and away from my pointer again.

So, I have to be very careful when clicking on a tab or else infuriating slapstick comedy ensues.

Really wish they'd just stick those in Mission Control and leave my window alone.

@randomgeek Yeah, I've got menu bar always shown too, this is the window controls. It's less-tall in Chrome, but it happens there too

Can’t be bothered to get a decent screen recording of it, but here’s the dance of window controls. Also please excuse the background fan noise, we are melting here

@kusuriya It would truly be magical

And I guess part of my problem is that maybe I use windows weirdly?

I have expose / mission control set to middle-mouse. I open a browser window for each stream of work / research. Sometimes, I have a dozen browser windows open, each with a slew of semi-related tabs.

But, I have one particular window open with email, calendar, and a few other persistent things. That one is full screen, so it always stays put in the same spot in mission control and I always know where to find it.

But anyway, tl;dr: macOS has taught me that the ceiling is lava

@antijingoist Hah! Which model?

@antijingoist Nice, that was a cute lil phone!

@antijingoist Yeah, alas the whole low-end target was really kind of unfortunate.

We got a bunch of Sony Xperia Z1 Compact and Xperia E devices running FirefoxOS at one point, and it was actually rather nice. I dogfooded one of those phones for most of a year


(and what the hell does Stage Manager even do?)
