@jrconlin @rckenned somebody told me they're gonna give me a commission for every laptop I sell with it installed. haven't sold any laptops yet though
@unwiredben All hail @craigcook for that one!
@mathowie it makes me hungry just looking at it
@elithebearded That seems right! Like, I knew I recognized what it was when I bought the sticker, but also I just thought it looked neato 😅
:oof: I got paper cuts under a couple of my finger nails from peeling stickers. Then I ate some salty fries with dinner.
Why oh why hath such tragedy befallen me? Life is rife with peril
@Macross Alas, just an M1 Pro, only slightly a great machine
@Macross yes, indeed, more tragedy 😅
Though, I did skip about 7-8 years of macs because of the keyboard shenanigans and whatnot. So I think yours is good and they're good again now
@Macross combine that with a high viz vest and you gain invisibility for many shenanigans