@Macross I mean, the food and that we didn’t have to make it was the hook up. And the girl still talks about the pulled pork and brisket
@Macross I mean, the food and that we didn’t have to make it was the hook up. And the girl still talks about the pulled pork and brisket
@aparrish Oh, that's heckin nice!
@aparrish Reminds me a little of my first (and only) handwired keypad. I swore I'd never do another project like this, but now I'm tempted to do it again because it looks neato! 😅
Gave Wasabi's cloud storage a month trial as an offsite backup for my NAS. Seems to have functioned great - stuff got backed up, I restored stuff. cool beans.
Now, when it's time to convert to a paid plan, I can't find anything that tells me how much it'll cost.
Like, yes, there's a "calculator" somewhere in the marketing website. But I want to know, for that trial month I spent actually uploading & downloading & keeping data in storage - exactly how much would that have cost if it wasn't a trial?
This makes me very reticent to pull the trigger on typing in a credit card number. Also, I don't want to engage with a salesperson, despite them emailing me 3 times
This guy spent hundreds of hours engineering a train to move his trash bins between the front & back of his house. Gratuitous and I love it
I wouldn't mind doing this for my own bins, if only to automate away my unreliable memory of trash day.
But, the rails would have to cross one or another sidewalk, and that's no bueno.
@Mossop The usual problem I have with Backblaze is that they have a simple backup service for individual computers, but it gets complicated for a NAS
@Mossop Yeah, that's probably what I'd want to use. I'm lazy and just use Synology's Hyper Backup, which connects to S3-like APIs
@Mossop Heh, now that I'm actually reading the link you sent me, that makes sense 😅
Thinking about firing up the Twitch stream again this afternoon to play some chiptunes & demoscene stuff and do some more RC2014 soldering
Firing up the Twitch stream for some chiptunes and soldering. I've got a hummingbird in the workshop, hope they manage to leave https://www.twitch.tv/lmorchard