@martyn The tools are for making the toys, some of which are also tools for making further toys

@julien Can you activate or control the vibration? Might be fun to pipe some music into it


Aw, dang, I missed celebrating the anniversary of my last pinned post on Twitter. Well, still about a month and a couple days until the anniversary of my last post over there.

re: twitter

My twitter account will be old enough to vote in US elections, next year. So, parts of me are a little sad to have that era pass on. But, 🤷‍♂️ so it goes

LRT had some masterful alt-text

al; ml; llm; web3

Man, this current wave of AI stuff is frustrating. It's not entirely bullshit like Web 3, it does do actually surprisingly useful things. I'm feeling a great need to soak my head in it more fully.

But it is also a bit bullshit like Web 3 insofar as it can do what it does by having hoovered up shit-tons of material folks might not have wanted it to hoover up.

And that a) is shitty in and of itself and b) seriously endangers future usefulness as folks wise up and throw sand into the gears.

Of course, it's also a bit bullshit insofar as folks are doing stupid things with it and attributing too much to it.

re: al; ml; llm; web3

Part of my tinkerer's frustration is that I'm going to spend time learning it - only to find it flames out because the whole thing required the innocent rich training environment of the past few years.

And, from here out, it's worse than trying to find low-background steel because the source of the material is sentient and actively resistant (and not without good reason)

re: al; ml; llm; web3

I'm still wrapping my head around it, but it seems like the emergent capabilities only magically emerge after applying statistical analysis to an absurdly large corpus of human-produced material. You need a lot of examples of humanness to generate more quasi-humanness.

If we were in a Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism future, this would probably all work out happily for everyone. But, alas

Some days, I just really yearn to live in a solarpunk gift economy. Oh to be fed & comfortable while I make & build shit to give away. But, alas 🤷‍♂️

@astatide hahah holy shit

My 3D printer has traversed from Prague to Leipzig to London, I almost wish I were there :bongoblob:​

"(Mr. Altman) ... was not consistently candid in his communications with the board"

:yikes:​ :yikes:​ :yikes:​ :flan_yikes:​


@astatide still not a cat

@astatide @deilann @crowbriarhexe This is increasing my need to find an artist for my "Move slow & fix things" tattoo

@crowbriarhexe @astatide @deilann Hmm, I have two shoulders 🤔

@deilann @crowbriarhexe @astatide now THAT's thinking with portals
