@sexybenfranklin oof, I don’t think it’s supposed to do that 😬
@sexybenfranklin oof, I don’t think it’s supposed to do that 😬
@abetterjulie Well, I would imagine the printers we might use in space would be a few orders of magnitude finer & more precise than this thing
@abetterjulie Heh, well... yeah 😅
Thinking I want to have a go at milling a circuit board with this little CNC machine. The first simple but fun circuit that comes to mind is an Atari Punk Console.
Already built one of those on a breadboard, a few years ago. Seems simple enough to try learning the flow from schematic down to g-code and soldering 🤔
@gwachob Thinking through-hole for a first attempt and maybe design myself? Have read a lil about the process, but haven't done it before. Might be biting off a bit too much 😅
Also, I think the breadboarded version used 2 x 555 timers, so I might go with that. But, might also be interesting to tweak to use one 556
@gwachob I also have a very vague notion to someday build some kind of video / light synth thing. Once upon a time, I owned an Atari Video Music and kinda regret selling it off
@jasonw22 It's one of these 3018 CNC toys, very cheap but it's not not a CNC. Still learning my way around it, but seems like it can do some interesting stuff with some upgrades https://www.amazon.com/Genmitsu-3018-PRO-Control-Engraving-300x180x45mm/dp/B07P6K9BL3
@APBBlue @BlackAzizAnansi As a tech person, I hope this keeps happening
@GeoffWozniak This is where I feel kinda blessed by our girl cat: She curls up in my spots all the time, but is totally happy to be scooped up and transferred to lap after I sit down