mh-; alcohol

Just ended a journal entry thusly: "Lots of things seem bleak. Lots of things don't seem bleak. I dunno, I'm too tired to be profound right now. Let's go get a drink."


Les Orchard

@greg what?!? no way

(i mean, gratz! I've never ever gotten there after years of playing off & on πŸ˜…)

Took three attempts, but I finally got all 96 gigs of Diablo IV installed via Game Pass.

Played about an hour. Yup, that's Diablo. Do I like Diablo? I'm trying to remember.

I think I have been in a mood to play Diablo at some previous points? But, this past hour felt kinda tedious.

I don't think I'm really wowed by oooh spooky fleshy occult dread horror unless it's a Doom game? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

@randomgeek Ah yeah, there was like, zero color

Maybe I should uninstall Diablo IV and reinstall Doom Eternal πŸ€”

@rasterweb Hmm, I've since gotten an Apple ][ but I still needs me a Trash 80

Maybe I should stand up a private IRC server if I want notifications from my random bots and software projects πŸ€”

@pixouls using the HTTP protocol - or Have Time to Party (excellent)

One of the cats bumped this guy on my desk into this pose and all I can think is β€œhey my name’s deerbot and I’m here to say…”

@joshua youth pastor for the Lord Cernunnos


Les Orchard

@mdhughes @feoh @inverseatascii oof yeah, machine language type-ins. Not even assembly listings, which might have been interesting to think through. Just rows & rows of numbers that made the computer go beep or gronk

@pixel I've seen a lot of folks using Telegram for that kind of thing, but it kind of sets off my "no such thing as a free lunch" alarms

"Through its mere existence, it evokes one of the many imaginable alternative histories of computing technology and stories of plausible alternatives to our present daily lives."

@mdhughes @feoh @inverseatascii hmm, I think I have both those books on a shelf behind me right now

Another cat nuzzled deerbot into this position, which I think is a prelude to breakdancing

@eb I was mad, like 18 years ago, when Firefox broke this. My team had sold styled RSS feeds to a client and one day they stopped being styled. I guess it's unbroken now?
