YouTube has made me aware that there was a Darkstalkers cartoon in the mid-90s. I don't think my life has been improved by this knowledge
YouTube has made me aware that there was a Darkstalkers cartoon in the mid-90s. I don't think my life has been improved by this knowledge
Sometimes I’m baffled by my brain. After months of not reading anything on my kindle, last week on a work trip I read 6 of 7 books of Martha Wells’ Murderbot Diaries. Just absolutely snarfed them down. Then, on the flight back, I read qntm’s There Is No Antimemetics Division. Now that I’m home, I’ll probably return to not reading for a few months.
@mDuo13 I've actually got Ra queued up next after the last Murderbot book, so we'll see how long this spree lasts!
@tim_lavoie @scalzi Alas, I have already scarfed down the whole Old Man's War series, but it might be time do it again 🤔
@darius I'm honestly surprised that many static site generators for blogs are much more complicated than this.
My own DIY blog builder is just slightly more than this in node.js - because I build next/prev links, along with index pages for dates and tags and the site overall.
@darius I kinda did that, a few years ago, with this blog post about building a blog builder. I guess not so much "open source" as "here's a bunch of source, have fun"
"open source" vs "magazine type-in listings"
Weird brain stubbing moment: I’m playing music on my iphone speakers. Suddenly occurred to me to wonder which speaker is left vs right. I googled this.
Took me several attempts to find what maybe should be an obvious answer: “the iphone knows which way is up, so it automatically adjusts such that left is left and right is right in either landscape orientation”
Still… the two orientations don’t sound the same to me.
@benbrown @ArtifexUmbra even knowing what you meant, I had to blink several times to process
My schedule tomorrow has multiple Zoom meetings at the same and overlapping time.
A broken part of my brain wants to try connecting to all of them at once, because a) I know the people in each of them will speak slowly, b) there's a good chance I can follow each conversation (especially with auto-captions), and c) my active talking participation will be minimal overall.
But really d) all of these meetings should be slack threads, at best, but most people don't seem to work that way?
There's a thing that sometimes frustrates me and it's when a Slack thread gets interestingly active and productive - then Someone In Charge halts the whole thing to say "let's get on a call" as if the text discussion is a negative conflict that must be resolved by staring at faces and making mouth noises, but that just kind of takes all the wind out of the sails.
Like, some folks just seem to interpret active text chat as Angry Trouble
@pixel Well usually it's "let's meet right now since we're all chatting (zoom link)"
@roland Yeah, for me, I don't really think very well while on a camera or being on the spot to talk. So I can do kind of shallow info sharing things but not a whole lot of detailed problem solving while being social in a group like that. (I was also never great at "group projects" in school where everyone crams together at a couple desks)
(Also, honestly, I think this thought is because I've been on a binge of Murderbot novels wherein the titular bot is often tuned into half-a-dozen channels & conversations via drones & feeds. But, I am not, myself, a Murderbot, and so probably not actually productively capable of that level of processing in reality)
@ceejbot I do this in Obsidian, which has not conquered the ADHD distractions so much as document them as they ricochet around in my noggin (and now in markdown files)
@randomgeek @ceejbot Back before I stopped updating my public notes site, I blurped out this thought, which I think sorta is where documenting things comes in handy: "my brain is a pen plotter drawing unoptimized paths"
Odd problem to have: Now that this Delta emulator shipped on the App Store, I can play Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey on my iPhone. Or play the Strange Journey Redux remake on my 3DS. Probably the better experience on the 3DS, but the iPhone's in my pocket all the time.
I kinda had a similar thing when I was playing some pokemon carts I'd dumped on my last Android phone. I have the actual carts and the actual console hardware, but the phone in my pocket is more available and less precious.