Have been on a bit of a spree reading ebooks from the local library. Finding the time limit on the loan weirdly motivating? even if I find the whole concept of limited digital copies ridiculous?
Have been on a bit of a spree reading ebooks from the local library. Finding the time limit on the loan weirdly motivating? even if I find the whole concept of limited digital copies ridiculous?
Also, I don't know why, but I feel like this email notification subject line from the library is aggressive? "📖 Action required: Multnomah County Library digital hold available to borrow"
Like... Robocop is working the library desk and I have 60 seconds to comply
@Catvalente (making grabby hands at the screen)
Also, I blame Space Opera for getting me sucked into Eurovision shenanigans for the past few years (happily, that is)
@superball years & years ago, I once made a really good batch of homebrew beer with a small pile of spruce tips harvested in the spring. I want to say they substituted for hops, which made it really fresh & piney, almost minty