It is hot, here. Like 100f. I went to my workshop to grab something real quick. I think it was 110f in there. I swear I lost 10% of my body’s water before I returned to the house. I should investigate a still-suit

Also i should set up a summer workshop in my basement, because it sucks having to mostly avoid my tools until fall

@intelgraphy i think you’re right, i have this thought pretty regularly 😓

@Mxzzyzx may your flesh husk achieve smoothness

@macross yeah, our outbuilding has zero insulation and probably isn’t worth fitting with such, so it’s kind of ugh all round

@Mxzzyzx also have to laugh because I, too, have Sméagoled my way into adverse conditions

Nice :blobmelt:

@Meyerweb seriously sounds like someone who's never run a mail server. or a happy masochist

@ifixcoinops I think of things like this and also think it would be good if we were forced to live in space and have to build systems that don't waste a drop or degree of resources

I want an e-ink tablet for writing with solar panels that I can set on a window sill to charge in the sun between uses

One of the things I hate most about working on a site with CSS-in-JS and various other pre-processors and bundling hacks is that they make the in-browser (well, in-Firefox) Style Editor basically useless.

I wonder how many folks know it exists? It's great for making little tweaks to styles and seeing changes without a reload - and then you can even save the CSS straight from there to the project.

Like, seriously, this thing rules for putzing around with CSS


An email arrives: "just bumping this and checking in again", except this is the first time I've heard from this person.

I check my spam folder. Two previous attempts, both unsolicited requests to publish "guest posts" to my blog.

Haha, no, get bent all the way round then get bent a bit more.

Really, anyone who hits my inbox three times (just following up) can get bent along all common dimensional axes and a few more only proposed by superstring theory.

Recruiters, I'm talking to you in particular

And the thing I really hate about unsolicited recruiter emails is they're nearly always for scammy garbage and are no help at all for actually searching for a job

(I dunno, is superstring theory even a Thing any more? I think I read a pop-science book about it in the mid-2000s)

@batteman @Kroc Dang, those lil keyboard are beauties 😅
