@cjust The fact that this is printed in Comic Sans only bolsters the sense that this is an official communique

Dreamed last night that I adopted an owlbear cub. It was very screechy but cute

@rposbo I think it's just Baldur's Gate 3 resurfacing in my psyche 🤔

Holy shit. This sounds like a sitcom plot unfolding on a Navy combat ship. Surprised there wasn't a more serious outcome for the officer in charge, especially since she really really should have known better given her infosec background


Ah yes, the traditional project principle of "you fixed it last, you own it forever"

@c0debabe haha, this is where I was a few years ago. also maybe just a smidgen of autism 😅 but mostly the ADHD

I just remembered the existence of Sleigh Bells.

