β€œwhat were the skies like when you were young?”

Oh man is watching Night of the Comet? One of my stupid favorite movies

@beka_valentine (adjusts gear-rimmed goggles) Steampunks! In! Space!


Les Orchard

yaaaas, bring back 88x31 buttons

@darius ooh, for some reason I had that filed away as "a Deno thing" but it appears I was mistaken πŸ‘€

I'm working on a link sharing thing that's very, very far away from being useful. And I'm hoping that my unreliable focus & executive function will let me stick with it until it does start to become useful.

But, for now, I'm rather happy with having used these emoji for the logo.


If you're curious about my plans for Pebbling Club, I've managed to brain-vomit all over a GitHub Project in hopes of organizing my work


@earth2marsh @soypunk Yeah, I picture kind of a del.icio.us / pinboard thing lashed to an inbox reader that accepts links from RSS feeds, mastodon timelines, etc.

I've always kind of wanted an all-in-one thing to receive and share interesting web stuff and be searchable later. Being a human web relay used to be a fun hobby for me

Time for today's game - something fell somewhere in the house: was it a cat? and did the thing break?

"The tech industry was never perfect. It never lived up to its lofty ambitions. But it has gotten demonstrably worse. And I think the fork-in-the-road moment was when the industry stopped trying to celebrate old-school hackers like Aaron Swartz and started working full-time to build monuments to Sam Altman instead."


Something I said in a meeting today, because I'm an enormous dork:

"a productivity trick that sometimes works for me is that I have to occasionally rotate my shield frequencies by trying a novel productivity tool so the ADHD Borg doesn't make my TODO list too boring and I end up ignoring it"

Huh, looks like Raindrop parses & rewrites URLs in bookmarks to normalize them in storage? That was fun to figure out and makes me a lil grumpy.

Like, trailing slashes in paths removed and URL query params alphabetized? That smells like trouble, whenever user input is modified like that on the way to storage. Things break mysteriously and subtly


@skippy Hmm, could it possibly have been a McQueen? Pretty sure I've made this before, at least in some variation

