@XenoDangerEvil Alas, it's currently a private git repo :/

@XenoDangerEvil Though, I think this code's going to be open sourced in the next few month? So I don't think this snippet is revealing anything awful in case it's helpful for at least the zip archive bits


@catsalad Ironically, these are the kinds of folks who wouldn't even use those tie down straps to secure a mattress to the roof of a car and would just kind of hang onto it out the window

Tinkering around with a side project. Prompted for a Firefox upgrade. Upgrade Firefox. Login cookies no longer work with side project in Firefox. Works fine in Chrome.

Welp, that's bedtime then

Whomever invented at-here and at-everyone in Slack should be sporadically yet eternally plagued by gnats.

@rc2014 love that sugru!

Has anyone assembled a collection of mild inconvenient curses? Like: may both sides of your pillow be hot. may your socks be ever-so-slightly misaligned. may one sock be always damp.

May you never encounter an unbroken chip or cracker. May all traffic lights be yellow for you. May the last step in every staircase be unexpectedly low, except when you expect it

@zachleat midwestern-born me wants to pronounce that as "ope"

@mediaarchaeologylab am-to-cassette-to-8track adapter stack walked so the sega tower of power with sonic and knuckles cartridge stack could run

@rasterweb they keep thinking my name is "Ron", too

This is kinda like the Bela Lugosi's Dead of shoegaze?

Maybe not, something from Slowdive or My Bloody Valentine might fit that better.

Maybe the Free Bird of shoegaze?


@randomgeek ooh, yeah, this falls into my brain's occasional urgent craving for high-volume Clutch or Mastodon (the band)

@paw I got a Raspberry Pi from PyCon 2013 and skipped like 1/3 of the conference to play with it pycon.blogspot.com/2013/03/ras

@paw Well, they did have an on-site computer lab to go with the give-away, so I guess technically I was still participating in some part of the conference ๐Ÿ˜…

@randomgeek Also, I suspect my attachment to loud is really just because I only got my first pair of noise-cancelling headphones a couple of years ago? What I really want is a quiet wall of grungy sound


Itโ€™s giving โ€œI donโ€™t give a shit so Iโ€™d like to delegate shit-giving to youโ€

(okay so maybe actually i said that)

re: food

@c0debabe i wanna do that right now @radar_raccoon
