2020 / 05 / 31
- Really, all I want to do is move slow & fix things. Learn & build things.
- Made brunch today - bacon, pancakes, and eggs
- I should re-engage with some form of exercise this week
- Thinking more about having repaired my right joy con last night
- I'd like to learn some more SMD soldering and get better at it
- It maybe feels a bit better today to have fixed something. Not overjoyed, but better.
- Thinking about StaticRendering for this wiki.
- Want to move it to notes.lmorchard.com
- Want to get my old OPML, bucket, and kwiki notes rolled into here too maybe
- Been meaning to play around with Godot for GameDev
- Had a lot of vertigo & dizziness today. Kept me from doing much.
- Maybe an inner-ear crystal thing? I tried an Epley Maneuver and it sent the room doing backflips and I got a headache.
- I would really, really prefer not to engage in the health system during a pandemic
- Played a bunch of Starlink: Battle for Atlas on Nintendo Switch
- Got at a deep discount, digital deluxe edition without any of the plastic toys
- I still kind of want a space ship toy though
- Starlink has a game loop with an enemy hierarchy.
- I'd had a similar idea for Parsec Patrol, though I never got far enough to making a real game
- There's cannon fodder, minions, then small, medium, and large bosses.
- Each level empowers the next. So, the more of each level you clear out, the less powerful the next level is.
- There's also a bit of I guess a city sim element? Clear out bits of planets, set up infrastructure, empower your own hierarchy of power
- Thinking about society and agreements between neighbors
- Trying to remember this scene in Orson Scott Cards Homecoming books.
- Ppeople would build things where other people didn't want them, and other people would just take the bricks faster than the things could get built
- Of course, people were under the subconscious influence of an orbiting supercomputer called the Overmind, but...
- Oh hey, I found the passages I was thinking of on Google Books.