2020 / 06 / 14
- Good morning
- Browsed around a few things about Project Gemini last night.
- Considering setting up my own server
- The text/gemini format seems simple enough
- Not entirely sure what I'd do with it that wouldn't be a transliteration of what I'm trying to revive doing with my blog & wiki
- Might be a fun crowd to play with though
- Noticed my AboutMePage wasn't updating.
- Ran into YouTube API limits in fetch because I was running it every 10 minutes
- Which meant that the items list in the YouTube data was undefined
- Which made the page render fail with an error
- Should make the whole thing more robust for things like that
- Maybe detect error, reuse last good fetch, send me a message with error
- Maybe save the last few good fetches as temporary fallbacks?
- Could also be worth varying fetch frequency per source, use last good fetch until it's sufficiently stale