The mastodon sub-commands

The mastodon collection of sub-commands is used to connect to a Mastodon instance and fetch toots from an account via the Mastodon API.

To use these commands, first you'll need to connect to an existing account on a Mastodon instance using link, code, and then verify sub-commands.

Then, you can fetch toots from that account and import them into the local database using the fetch sub-command.

Selecting a Mastodon instance

By default, the mastodon command will connect to the instance at You can specify a different instance hostname with the --instance / -i option:

fossilizer mastodon --instance link

Configuration and secrets for connecting to the selected Mastodon instance are stored in a file named config-{instance}.toml in the data directory.

Connecting to a Mastodon instance

Before importing toots from a Mastodon account, you'll need to connect to the instance and authenticate with an account.

The link sub-command will begin this process by attempting to register a new application with your instance and then offering an authorization URL to visit in a web browser. For example:

$ fossilizer mastodon link

[2024-04-18T20:06:21Z INFO  fossilizer::cli::mastodon::link] Visit this link to begin authorization:
[2024-04-18T20:06:21Z INFO  fossilizer::cli::mastodon::link]

Once you've visited this link and authorized the application, you'll be given a code to paste back into the terminal to complete the process.

The code sub-command will complete the process by exchanging the code for an access token:

$ fossilizer mastodon code 8675309jennyabcdefghiZZZFUVMixgjTlQMF0vK1I

After running the code sub-command, you can then run the verify sub-command to check that the connection is working:

$ fossilizer mastodon verify

[2024-04-18T20:09:04Z INFO  fossilizer::cli::mastodon::verify] Verified as AuthVerifyResult { username: "lmorchard", url: "", display_name: "Les Orchard 🕹\u{fe0f}🔧🐱🐰", created_at: "2016-11-01T00:00:00.000Z" }

Note that the access token secret obtained through the above steps is stored in the config-{instance}.toml file in the data directory:

└── data.sqlite3

Keep these files safe and don't publish them anywhere! Also, once you've connected to an instance, you can use the --instance / -i option to select it without needing to run link or code again.

Fetching toots

Once you've connected to a Mastodon instance, you can import toots from an account with the fetch sub-command. By default, this command will attempt to fetch and import the newest 100 toots in pages of 25.

$ fossilizer mastodon fetch

[2024-04-18T20:13:00Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetching statuses for account
[2024-04-18T20:13:01Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetched 25 (of 100 max)...
[2024-04-18T20:13:04Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetched 50 (of 100 max)...
[2024-04-18T20:13:04Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetched 75 (of 100 max)...
[2024-04-18T20:13:05Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetched 100 (of 100 max)...

You can adjust the number of toots fetched with the --max / -m option and the page size with the --page / -p option. However, note that the Mastodon API may limit the number of toots you can fetch in a single request:

$ fossilizer mastodon fetch --max 200 --page 100

[2024-04-18T20:15:28Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetching statuses for account
[2024-04-18T20:15:29Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetched 40 (of 200 max)...
[2024-04-18T20:15:29Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetched 80 (of 200 max)...
[2024-04-18T20:15:30Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetched 120 (of 200 max)...
[2024-04-18T20:15:31Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetched 160 (of 200 max)...
[2024-04-18T20:15:31Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetched 200 (of 200 max)...

Incremental fetching

If you've already imported most of your toots and would like to fetch only the newest ones, you can use the --incremental option. This will stop the fetch process as soon as a page is encountered that contains a toot already in the database:

$ fossilizer mastodon fetch --incremental

2024-04-18T20:17:49Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetching statuses for account
[2024-04-18T20:17:50Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Fetched 25 (of 100 max)...
[2024-04-18T20:17:50Z INFO  fossilizer::mastodon::fetcher] Stopping incremental fetch after catching up to imported activities